R & D

  • 网络研发;研究与开发;研发部门;研发部;研究和开发
R & DR & D


  1. Present R D status and prospects of high energy density materials


  2. Game Analysis of R D in Small Medium-Sized Technological Enterprises


  3. Market Structure , Ownership Structure and R D An Empirical Study on Chinese Manufacturing Industry


  4. Research on R D Investment Based on R D Spillovers


  5. R D of Testing System for Scooter 's Stepless Automatic Transmission


  6. Domestic R D Input , International R D Spillover and Total Factor Productivity


  7. The R D situation in China is studied by using the R D tax incentive theory .


  8. Study on the strategic research development ( R D ) investment decisions with a potential competitor .


  9. R D , R D Spillovers , Endogenous Growth and Endogenous Convergence


  10. R D Study and Application of Highly Sensitive Detection System for Flow Injection Analysis (ⅱ) Determination of Dissolved Silicon in Water


  11. R D Input , Human Resource Development and TNCs ' R D Investment An Empirical Analysis Based on Panel Data


  12. Specifically includes R D organization position analysis appraisal , R D organization team structure and the personnel responsibility limits .


  13. The analysis on influencing factor of MNC 's R D in China an analysis on model of mutual monopolization 's market


  14. A Study on How to Treat R D as Cost in China A Case Based on a Listed Company in an Activity-Based-Costing


  15. This thesis introduces firm heterogeneity and R D level into the simple model , where R D activities are endogenous variables .


  16. Each firm determines its R D expenditure and output successively after the government chooses the R D subsidy rate .


  17. On The Impact of Government 's S T Incentive Policy on the R D input and its patent output of large and medium-sized Industrial enterprises in Shanghai


  18. Finally , the organizational coordination of internationalized R D is discussed and a matrix matching the selection of R D organizational modes is presented .


  19. This paper originally applies the theory of core capability to R D investment management and suggests that R D investment management should be based on core capability cultivating .


  20. Hence , from the point of R D capabilities , this paper analyzed the R D capabilities'influences on the international competitiveness of MIEEE .


  21. It also replaces the R D expenditure by the R D knowledge stock because of hysteretic effect and accumulative effect of the S T investment .


  22. And equitable factors will make a significant impact on R D staff . That means R D staff maybe leave enterprise if they be treated unfairly .


  23. China should take macroscopic measures of improving R D environment and enhancing the enterprises ' R D ability to attract and utilize the R D investment in China .


  24. An upstream R D subsidy model in an international supply chain was established . The effect of the optimal subsidy for domestic R D on market behavior was analyzed .


  25. The results show that firm size and profitability have positive correlation with its R D expenditures while firm export orientation has negative correlation with its R D investment .


  26. The two firms both conduct R D activity , and the intensity of R D spillover is interpreted as an indicator of the strength of IPR protection .


  27. It is proposed that synergy theory should be the basic theory to study the synergy mechanism of R D alliances and the R D alliance is the synergy system of knowledge production in nature .


  28. Through analysis of the accounting methods of R D cost and related information disclosure in domestic public companies , this paper aims to explore the outlook of accounting for R D , guided with basic theories .


  29. Third , the paper studied notable characteristic and the development trend of high and new technology enterprise R D investment , the distribution law of R D 's investment fund and the problem should paid attention to in the practice .


  30. As R D project belongs to the high risk project , all kinds of risk element that can exist in R D project are analyzed and the Real Options that can exist in R D project are identified .
